Workshop 2 – Just Culture


A maintenance organisation is undergoing a busy and high tempo operations phase. There have been numerous incidents that have pointed to the workforce not coping with the workload. The company is undergoing significant change in expanding. There are grumblings about the company being ‘tight’ with resources and always taking the most economical solution. The workforce is divided over a desire to ‘let’s get the job done’ and ‘we think we are cutting too many corners’.

You are a Senior management team within this organisation. Consider one of the following scenarios and discuss what actions you would take for the outcome.

Group 1

An apprentice uses a non standard tool to fix a critical component to an aircraft. The torque settings are not calibrated and the tool is not approved for use. It has become normal to use this tool in the hanger. The apprentice uses the tool for the first time without supervision, strips the thread of a critical part of an engine.

Group 2

An experienced LAME has used an non standard tool to fix a critical component to an aircraft. The torque settings are not calibrated and the tool is not approved for use. It has become normal to use this tool in the hanger. The LAME who has used this tool many times, strips the thread of a critical part of an engine.

Group 3

An contacted but qualified LAME has used an non standard tool to fix a critical component to an aircraft. The torque settings are not calibrated and the tool is not approved for use. It has become normal to use this tool in the hanger. The contract LAME uses the tool as directed and strips the thread of a critical part of an engine.