SMS training for SAFA personnel and leaders
Tier 1 content
- Hierachy of SAFA SMS
- Management committment to safety
- The Shared responsibility of safety
- Safety Culture
- Human Factors
- Safety Risk Management
- Safety reporting
- Change and continuos improvement
- Safety promotion
Tier 2 content
- Safety fundamentals
- WHS vs QMS vs SMS
- Safety Culture and Human factors
- Management committment to safety
- Key personnel and accountability
- Emergency response planning
- SMS documentation
- Safety Risk Management
- SAFA reporting
- Safety Assurance
- Safety Promotion
Management committment to safety
The shared responsibility of safety
Safety personnel are no more responsible for safety than the SFO is responsible for the club turning a profit.
Everyone has a part to play however there is an expectation that those is management (or more senior in experience) will set an example for newer members.
‘Green Hats’ (first timers on an oil rig) have to wear a Green Hard hat to indicate their lack of experience.
And yet they will often turn to other ’Green Hats’ for safety and other advice. Everyone can be a safety leader, regardless of experience.
Safety Culture and Human Factors
Safety Risk Management
SAFA Reporting system
A voluntary and mandatory reporting system provides a systematic means for an organisation to record occurrences, incidents and accidents in operations. Mandatory reporting criteria may include:
- Any equipment or personnel failure airborne that compromises the safety of flight
- Any equipment or personnel failure on the ground that compromises the safe operation of the aircraft
- Any breach (unintentional or otherwise) of SOPs
- Any Human Factors transgressions, airborne or on the ground that compromise safety.
Voluntary reporting can be any other occurrence that personnel feel could offer a learning experience to others. Feedback to management from the SMS is required to measure and monitor safety performance. Safety performance evaluation defines the required changes. The SAG and SRC will include performance of safety on a regular basis. SMS audits, both internal and external, provide an assessment of performance and should be conducted as detailed in SPT/SPIs.
Change and continuous improvement
Safety Promotion
SAFA Tier 1 Key training points
- Safety and the Management of safety is not negotiable
- Management must commit to safety
- Safety is a shared responsibility
- Safety culture is defined by the Human Factors involved in Safety
- Dealing with Hazards is a critical component of Safety
- Reporting is critical to the management of safety
- We must strive for continuous improvement of safety
- Promotion and communication of safety is critical to success
SAFA Tier 2 SMS Training
Safety accountability and responsibility
Emergency response planning
SMS documentation
Safety Risk Management
Safety Assurance
Change and continuous improvement
Safety promotion
SMS Leadership concepts
Tier 2 key training points
- All Tier 1 Training is to be complete by Tier 2 personnel
- All Tier 1 Training to be delivered as Train the Trainer
- Key Tier 1 training to be emphasised
- Emphasis on Tier 2 role as key safety personnel
- Promotion of Safety Culture and Human Factors by Tier 2 persons
- Safety Risk Management and Safety Assurance key training points
- Liaison role between SAFA and members critical
- Tier 2 personnel are ‘Conduits’ to the SAFA safety message