Jetstar SMS for management

The Management SMS course is a selective version of the full five day SMS course.  It covers the essentials that accountable managers need to know regarding their role in the organisations SMS.

Jetstar have identified the essential need for team leaders and managers to understand the fundamentals of SMS and their critical role in the support of it. There is an ongoing program in Australia and NZ for all team leaders and managers to attend this course.

The course differs from the full course as follows;

  • Two days 0800 – 1700, with shorter break times
  • CASA videos are largely removed
  • Practical exercises are classwork rather than syndicate activity
  • The Diploma module is removed
  • Explaining and Building SMS elements are merged into single simplified modules
1SMS Background and need

SMS Context


Human Factors and Safety Culture

SMS Component 1
0800-1700, Morning and afternoon tea break 15 minutes, lunch 30 minutes
2SMS Component 2

SMS Component 3

SMS Component 4

Compliance and Resources

Safety Leadership
0800-1630, Morning and afternoon tea break 15 minutes, lunch 30 minutes

Qantas Group Risk Assessment Guide (QRAG)